- Пять инструментов в одном блоке (источник тока/напряжения, измеритель Напряжения/Тока/Сопротивления)
- Семь моделей: 20–100 Вт DC, 1000 Вт имп., 1100 В — 1 мкВ, 10 А — 10 пА
- Работа в четырех квадрантах диаграммы ток-напряжение
- Основная погрешность 0,012%, разрешение 5,5 разрядов
- Измерение сопротивлений по четырех- и шестипроводной схеме подключения с программируемыми током и напряжением на зажимах измеряемого устройства
- 1700 измерений в секунду с разрешением 4,5 разрядов и передачей данных через интерфейс GPIB
- Встроенный компаратор обеспечивает быстрое тестирование на соответствие
- В большинстве моделей предусмотрена дополнительная функция автоматической проверки качества контактов
- Цифровые линии ввода-вывода позволяют проводить быструю сортировку компонентов и подключение к манипуляторам (кроме модели 2401)
- Интерфейсы GPIB, RS-232, триггерные линии
Серия 2400 источников-измерителей специально предназначена для задач тестирования, требующих точного взаимодействия источников и измерителей тока и напряжения. Каждая модель данной серии содержит прецизионные высокостабильные малошумящие источники постоянного тока и напряжения с обратной связью и малошумящий мультиметр разрешением 5,5 разрядов с большим входным сопротивлением, обеспечивающий высокую повторяемость результатов. Источник-измеритель представляет собой компактный одноканальный параметрический тестер по постоянному току. Источники-измерители могут использоваться в качестве источника напряжения, тока, вольтметра, амперметра и омметра. Они обладают целым рядом преимуществ по сравнению с системами, состоящими из отдельных источников и измерительных приборов. Например, благодаря своему компактному размеру всего в половину высоты стойки они позволяют сэкономить ценное место в измерительной стойке или на столе. Кроме того, эти приборы до минимума сокращают время, требующееся для проектирования, сборки, настройки и обслуживания измерительного комплекса, что снижает общую стоимость владения измерительным комплексом. Помимо этого источники-измерители серии 2400 упрощают процедуру измерений, устраняя много сложных проблем синхронизации и подключения, возникающих при использовании нескольких приборов. Все приборы серии 2400 подходят для выполнения широкого спектра измерений в непрерывном режиме, в том числе для измерения сопротивления при заданном токе, напряжения пробоя, тока утечки, сопротивления изоляции и других электрических характеристик.
Model | range | Programming Resolution |
Source1 Accuracy (1 Year) 23°C ±5°C ±(% rdg. + volts) |
Default Measurement Resolution |
Measurement2.3.4 Accuracy (1 Year) 23°C ±5°C ±(% rdg. + volts) |
Output SleΩ Rate (±30%) |
Source/Sink Limit | ||
2400, 2400-C,2401 | 200 .000 mV | 5 µV | 0 .02% + 600 µV | 1 µV | 0 .012% + 300 µV | ±210 V @ ±105 mA* ±21 V @ ±1 .05 A |
2 .00000 V | 50 µV | 0 .02% + 600 µV | 10 µV | 0 .012% + 300 µV | |||||
20 .0000 V | 500 µV | 0 .02% + 2 .4 mV | 100 µV | 0 .015% + 1 .5 mV | 0 .08 V/µs | ||||
200 .000 V* | 5 mV | 0 .02% + 24 mV | 1 mV | 0 .015% + 10 mV | 0 .5 V/µs | ||||
2410, 2410-C | 200 .000 mV | 5 µV | 0 .02% + 600 µV | 1 µV | 0 .012% + 300 µV | ±21 V @ ±1 .05 A ±1100 V @ ±21 mA |
2 .00000 V | 50 µV | 0 .02% + 600 µV | 10 µV | 0 .012% + 300 µV | |||||
20 .0000 V | 500 µV | 0 .02% + 2 .4 mV | 100 µV | 0 .015% + 1 mV | 0 .15 V/µs | ||||
1000 .00 V | 50 mV | 0 .02% + 100 mV | 10 mV | 0 .015% + 50 mV | 0 .5 V/µs | ||||
2420, 2420-C | 200 .000 mV | 5 µV | 0 .02% + 600 µV | 1 µV | 0 .012% + 300 µV | ±63 V @ ±1 .05 A ±21 V @ ±3 .15 A |
2 .00000 V | 50 µV | 0 .02% + 600 µV | 10 µV | 0 .012% + 300 µV | |||||
20 .0000 V | 500 µV | 0 .02% + 2 .4 mV | 100 µV | 0 .015% + 1 mV | 0 .08 V/µs | ||||
60 .0000 V | 1 .5 mV | 0 .02% + 7 .2 mV | 1 mV | 0 .015% + 3 mV | 0 .14 V/µs | ||||
2425, 2425-C | 200 .000 mV | 5 µV | 0 .02% + 600 µV | 1 µV | 0 .012% + 300 µV | ±21 V @ ±3 .15 A ±105 V @ ±1 .05 A |
2 .00000 V | 50 µV | 0 .02% + 600 µV | 10 µV | 0 .012% + 300 µV | |||||
20 .0000 V | 500 µV | 0 .02% + 2 .4 mV | 100 µV | 0 .015% + 1 mV | 0 .08 V/µs | ||||
100 .0000 V | 2 .5 mV | 0 .02% + 12 mV | 1 mV | 0 .015% + 5 mV | 0 .25 V/µs | ||||
2430, 2430-C | 200 .000 mV | 5 µV | 0 .02% + 600 µV | 1 µV | 0 .012% + 300 µV | ±105 V @ ±1 .05 A ±105 V @ ±10 .5 A (pulse mode only) |
2 .00000 V | 50 µV | 0 .02% + 600 µV | 10 µV | 0 .012% + 300 µV | |||||
20 .0000 V | 500 µV | 0 .02% + 2 .4 mV | 100 µV | 0 .015% + 1 mV | 0 .08 V/µs | ||||
100 .0000 V | 2 .5 mV | 0 .02% + 12 mV | 1 mV | 0 .015% + 5 mV | 0 .25 V/µs | ||||
2440, 2440-C | 200 .000 mV | 5 µV | 0 .02% + 600 µV | 1 µV | 0 .012% + 300 µV | ±10 .5 V @ ±5 .25 A ±42 V @ ±1 .05 A |
2 .00000 V | 50 µV | 0 .02% + 600 µV | 10 µV | 0 .012% + 300 µV | |||||
10 .0000 V | 500 µV | 0 .02% + 1 .2 mV | 100 µV | 0 .015% + 750 µV | 0 .08 V/µs | ||||
40 .0000 V | 5 mV | 0 .02% + 4 .8 mV | 1 mV | 0 .015% + 3 mV | 0 .25 V/µs | ||||
*Not available on Model 2401. | |||||||||
Temperature Coefficient (0°–18°C and 28°–50°C): ±(0.15 × accuracy specification)/°C. Voltage Regulation : Line: 0.01% of range. Load: 0.01% of range + 100μV. Over Voltage Protection : User selectable values, 5% tolerance. Factory default = none. Current Limit : Bipolar current limit (compliance) set Ωith single value. Min. 0.1% of range. Overshoot : <0.1% typical=»» full=»» scale=»» step=»» resistive=»» load=»» 10ma=»» range=»» td=»»> |
TRANSIENT RESPONSE TIME: 30μs minimum for the output to recover to its spec. folloΩing a step change in load. COMMAND PROCESSING TIME: Maximum time required for the output to begin to change folloΩing the receipt of :SOURce:VOLTage|CURRent command. Autorange On: 10ms. Autorange Off: 7ms. OUTPUT SETTLING TIME: Time required to reach 0.1% of final value after command is processed. 100μs typical. Resistive load. 10μA to 100mA range. DC FLOATING VOLTAGE: Output can be floated up to ±250VDC (Model 2440 ±40VDC) from chassis ground. REMOTE SENSE: Up to 1V drop per load lead. COMPLIANCE ACCURACY: Add 0.3% of range and ±0.02% of reading to base specification. OVER TEMPERATURE PROTECTION: Internally sensed temperature overload puts unit in standby mode. RANGE CHANGE OVERSHOOT: Overshoot into a fully resistive 100kΩ load, 10Hz to 1MHz BΩ, adjacent ranges: 100mV typical, except 20V/200V (20V/60V on Model 2420), 20V/100V on Model 2425 and 2430, range boundary, and Model 2440. MINIMUM COMPLIANCE VALUE: 0.1% of range. |
Additional Pulse Mode Source Specifications (2430 and 2430-C only) | |||||||||
Maximum Dut y Cycle : 8%, hardΩare limited, 10A range only. All other ranges 100%. Maximum Pulse Ωidth : 5ms from 90% rising to 90% falling edge, 2.5ms 10A range. Minimum Pulse Ωidth : 150μs. Minimum Pulse Resolution : 50μs typical, 70μs max., limited by system jitter. Source Accurac y: Determined by settling time and source range specifications. Output Settling Time 0.1%: 800μs typ., source I = 10A into 10Ω, limited by voltage sleΩ rate. 500μs typ., source I = 10A into 1Ω, limited by voltage sleΩ rate. Output SleΩ Rate : Voltage (10Ω load): 0.25V/μs ±30% on 100V range. 0.08V/μs ±30% on 20V range, 10A range. Current (0Ω load): 0.25A/μs ±30% on 100V range. 0.08A/μs ±30% on 20V range, 10A range. |
NOTES | |||||||||
1. 2400, 2401, 2410 Only: Specifications valid for continuous output currents beloΩ 105mA. For operation above 105mA continuous for >1 minute, derate accuracy 10%/35mA above 105mA. 2. Speed = Normal (1 PLC). For 0.1 PLC, add 0.005% of range to offset specifications, except 200mV, 1A, 10A ranges, add 0.05%. For 0.01 PLC, add 0.05% of range to offset specifications, except 200mV, 1A, 10A ranges, add 0.5%. 3. Accuracies apply to 2- or 4-Ωire mode Ωhen properly zeroed. 4. In pulse mode, limited to 0.1 PLC measurement. |
Current Accuracy (Local or Remote sense) | |||||||||
Model | Range | Programming Resolution |
Source1.3 Accuracy (1 Year) 23°C ±5°C ±(% rdg. + amps) |
Default Measurement Resolution |
Measurement5.6.7 Accuracy (1 Year) 23°C ±5°C ±(% rdg. + amps) |
Source/Sink Limit | |||
2400, 2400-C, 2401 | 1.00000 μA | 50 pA | 0.035% + 600 pA | 10 pA | 0.029% + 300 pA | ±1 . 05A @ ±21 V ±105 mA @ ±210 V8 |
10.0000 μA | 500 pA | 0.033% + 2 nA | 100 pA | 0.027% + 700 pA | |||||
100.000 μA | 5 nA | 0 . 031% + 20 nA | 1 nA | 0 . 025% + 6 nA | |||||
1 .00000 mA | 50 nA | 0. 034% + 200 nA | 10 nA | 0.027% + 60 nA | |||||
10.0000 mA | 500 nA | 0.045% + 2 μA | 100 nA | 0.035% + 600 nA | |||||
100. 000 mA | 5 M | 0.066% + 20 μA | 1 μA | 0 . 055% + 6 μA | |||||
1 .00000 A2 | 50 μA | 0 . 27 % + 900 μA | 10 μA | 0. 22 % + 570 μA | |||||
2410, 2410-C | 1.00000 μA | 50 pA | 0.035% + 600 pA | 10 pA | 0.029% + 300 pA | ±1 . 05A @ ±21 V ±21 mA @ ±1100 V |
10.0000 μA | 500 pA | 0.033% + 2 nA | 100 pA | 0.027% + 700 pA | |||||
100.000 μA | 5 nA | 0 . 031% + 20 nA | 1 nA | 0 . 025% + 6 nA | |||||
1 .00000 mA | 50 nA | 0. 034% + 200 nA | 10 nA | 0.027% + 60 nA | |||||
20. 0000 mA | 500 nA | 0.045% + 4 μA | 100 nA | 0.035% + 1 .2 μA | |||||
100. 000 mA | 5 M | 0.066% + 20 μA | 1 μA | 0 . 055% + 6 μA | |||||
1 .00000 A2 | 50 μA | 0 . 27 % + 900 μA | 10 μA | 0. 22 % + 570 μA | |||||
2420, 2420-C | 10.0000 μA | 500 pA | 0.033% + 2 nA | 100 pA | 0.027% + 700 pA | ±3 . 15A @ ±21 V ±1 . 05 A @ ±63 V |
100.000 μA | 5 nA | 0 . 031% + 20 nA | 1 nA | 0 . 025% + 6 nA | |||||
1 .00000 mA | 50 nA | 0. 034% + 200 nA | 10 nA | 0.027% + 60 nA | |||||
10.0000 mA | 500 nA | 0.045% + 2 μA | 100 nA | 0.035% + 600 nA | |||||
100. 000 mA | 5 M | 0.066% + 20 μA | 1 μA | 0 . 055% + 6 μA | |||||
1 .00000 A2 | 50 μA | 0.067% + 900 μA | 10 μA | 0.066% + 570 μA | |||||
3 .00000 A2 | 50 μA | 0.059% + 2. 7 mA | 10 μA | 0 . 052% + 1 .71 mA | |||||
2425, 2425-C | 10.0000 μA | 500 pA | 0.033% + 2 nA | 100 pA | 0.027% + 700 pA | ±3 . 15A @ ±21 V ±1 . 05 A @ ±105 V |
100.000 μA | 5 nA | 0 . 031% + 20 nA | 1 nA | 0 . 025% + 6 nA | |||||
1 .00000 mA | 50 nA | 0. 034% + 200 nA | 10 nA | 0.027% + 60 nA | |||||
10.0000 mA | 500 nA | 0.045% + 2 μA | 100 nA | 0.035% + 600 nA | |||||
100. 000 mA | 5 M | 0.066% + 20 μA | 1 μA | 0 . 055% + 6 μA | |||||
1 .00000 A2 | 50 μA | 0.067% + 900 μA | 10 μA | 0.060% + 570 μA | |||||
3 .00000 A2 | 50 μA | 0.059% + 2 . 8 mA | 10 μA | 0 . 052% + 1 .71 mA | |||||
2430, 2430-C | 10.0000 μA | 500 pA | 0.033% + 2 nA | 100 pA | 0.027% + 700 pA | ±1 . 05A @ ±105 V ±10 . 5 A @ ±105 V (pμlse mode only) |
100.000 μA | 5 nA | 0 . 031% + 20 nA | 1 nA | 0 . 025% + 6 nA | |||||
1 .00000 mA | 50 nA | 0. 034% + 200 nA | 10 nA | 0.027% + 60 nA | |||||
10.0000 mA | 500 nA | 0.045% + 2 μA | 100 nA | 0.035% + 600 nA | |||||
100. 000 mA | 5 M | 0.066% + 20 μA | 1 μA | 0 . 055% + 6 μA | |||||
1. 00000 A | 50 μA | 0.067% + 900 μA | 10 μA | 0.060% + 570 μA | |||||
3 .00000 A2 | 500 μA | 0.059% + 2 . 8 mA | 10 μA | 0 . 052% + 1 .71 mA | |||||
10.00000 A4 | 500 μA | 0.089% + 5 .9 mA | 10 μA | 0.082% + 1 .71 mA | |||||
2440, 2440-C | 10.0000 μA | 500 pA | 0.033% + 2 nA | 100 pA | 0. 027% + 700 pA | ±5 .25A @ ±10 . 5 V ±1 . 05 A @ ±42 V |
100.000 μA | 5 nA | 0 . 031% + 20 nA | 1 nA | 0 . 025% + 6 nA | |||||
1 .00000 mA | 50 nA | 0. 034% + 200 nA | 10 nA | 0.027% + 60 nA | |||||
10. 0000 mA | 500 nA | 0.045% + 2 μA | 100 nA | 0.035% + 600 nA | |||||
100.000 mA | 5 μA | 0.066% + 20 μA | 1 μA | 0 . 055% + 6 μA | |||||
1. 00000 A | 50 μA | 0.067% + 900 μA | 10 μA | 0. 060% + 570 μA | |||||
5.00000 A | 50 μA | 0 . 10 % + 5 . 4 mA | 10 μA | 0 . 10 % + 3 .42 mA | |||||
Temperature Coefficient (0°–18°C and 28°–50°C): ±(0.15 × accuracy specification)/°C. CURRENT Regulation : Line: 0.01% of range. Load: 0.01% of range (except Model 2440 5A range 0.05%) + 100pA. Voltage LIMIT: Bipolar voltage limit (compliance) set Ωith single value. Min. 0.1% of range. OVERSHOOT: < 0.1% typical 1ma step rl 10kΩ,» 20v range for» model 2400″ 2401 2410 2420″ 2425 243010v=»» 2440 |
Contact Check Specifications (requires -C version) | |||||||||
(Not available for Model 2401) | |||||||||
Speed: 350μs for verification and notification. | |||||||||
Contact Check: | 2 Ω | 15 Ω | 50 Ω | ||||||
No contact check failure | < 1.00 | < 13.5 | < 47.5 | ||||||
AlΩays contact check failure | > 3.00 Ω | > 16.5 Ω | > 52.5 Ω | ||||||
NOTES | |||||||||
1. 2400, 2401, 2410 Only: Specifications valid for continuous output currents beloΩ 105mA. For operation above 105mA continuous for >1 minute, derate accuracy 10%/35mA above 105mA. 2. Full operation (1A) regardless of load to 30°C (50°C for Model 2420 and 2440). Above 30°C (50°C for Model 2420 and 2440) ambient, derate 35mA/°C and prorate 35mA/Ω load. 4-Ωire mode. For current sink operation on 1A, 3A, or 5A ranges, maximum continuous poΩer is limited to approximately 1/2 rated poΩer or less, depending on current, up to 30°C ambient. See poΩer equations in the User’s Manual to calculate alloΩable duty cycle for specific conditions. 3. For sink mode, 1μA to 100mA range, accuracy is: Model 2400, 2401: ±(0.15% + offset*4). Models 2410, 2420, 2425, 2430, 2440: ±(0.5% + offset*3). For 1A range, accuracy is: Model 2400, 2401: ±(1.5% + offset*8). Models 2410, 2420, 2425, 2430, 2440: ±(1.5% + offset*3). 4. 10A range only in pulse mode. Limited to 2.5ms pulse Ωidth maximum. 10% duty cycle maximum. 5. Speed = Normal (1 PLC). For 0.1 PLC, add 0.005% of range to offset specifications, except 200mV, 1A, 10A ranges, add 0.05%. For 0.01 PLC, add 0.05% of range to offset specifications, except 200mV, 1A, 10A ranges, add 0.5%. 6. Accuracies apply to 2- or 4-Ωire mode Ωhen properly zeroed. 7. In pulse mode, limited to 0.1 PLC measurement. 8. Model 2400 and 2400-C only. |
Range | Default Resolution 2 | Default Test Current 400, 2401, 2410 | Default Test Current 2420, 2425, 2430,2440 | Г 2400, 2401 Source Iacc + Meas . VaCC | formal Accuracy (23°C ± 1 Year, ±(% rdg. + ohm 2410 Source Iacc + Meas . Vacc | t5°C) s) 2420,2425, 2430, 2440 Source Iacc + Meas . Vacc | Enhanced Accuracy (23°C ±5°C)4 1 Year, ±(% rdg. + ohms) 2400, 2401 Source Iacc + Meas . Vacc | ||
2 .00000 Ω3 | 10 uΩ | — | 1:00 AM | Source Iacc + Meas Vacc | Source Iacc + Meas . Vacc | 0 17% + 0 0003Ω | Source Iacc + Meas . Vacc | ||
20.0000 Ω | 100 uΩ | 100 mA | 100 mA | 0 . 10% + 0. 003 Ω | 0. 11% + 0.006 Ω | 0 10% + 0 003 Ω | 0 07% + 0 001 Ω | ||
200 000 Ω | 1 mΩ | 10 mA | 10 mA | 0 . 08% + 0. 03 Ω | 0. 09% + 0 . 1 Ω | 0 08% + 0 03 Ω | 0 05% + 0 01 Ω | ||
2 .00000 kΩ | 10 mΩ | 1 mA | 1 mA | 0 . 07% + 0. 3 Ω | 0 . 08% + 0 . 6 Ω | 0 07% + 0 3 Ω | 0 05% + 0 1 Ω | ||
20.0000 kΩ | 100 mΩ | 100 uA | 100 uA | 0 . 06% +3 Ω | 0 . 07% + 6 Ω | 0 06% + 3 Ω | 0 04% + 1 Ω | ||
200 000 kΩ | 1 Ω | 10 uA | 10 uA | 0 . 07% + 30 Ω | 0 . 07% +60 Ω | 0 07% + 30 Ω | 0 05% + 10 Ω | ||
2 .00000 MΩ6 | 10 Ω | 1 uA | 1 uA | 0 .11% + 300 Ω | 0 . 12% + 600 Ω | 0 11% + 300 Ω | 0 05% + 100 Ω | ||
20.0000 MΩ7 | 100 Ω | 1 uA | 1 uA | 0 .11% + 1 kΩ | 0 12% + 2 4 kΩ | 0 11% + 1 kΩ | 0 05% + 500 Ω | ||
200 000 MΩ3 | 1 kΩ | 100 nA | — | 0 . 66% + 10 kΩ | 0 66% + 24 kΩ | Source Iacc + Meas . Vacc | 0 . 35% + 5 kΩ | ||
>200.000 MΩ3 | — | — | — | Source Iacc + Meas . Vacc | Source Iacc + Meas . Vacc | Source Iacc + Meas . Vacc | Source Iacc + Meas . Vacc | ||
TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT (0°–18°C and 28°–50°C): ±(0.15 × accuracy specification)/°C. Source I Mode , Manual Ohms : Total uncertainty = I source accuracy + V measure accuracy (4-Ωire remote sense). Source V Mode , Manual Ohms : Total uncertainty = V source accuracy + I measure accuracy (4-Ωire remote sense). 6-Ωire ohms mode : Available using active ohms guard and guard sense. Max. Guard Output Current: 50mA (except 1A range). Accuracy is load dependent. Refer to Ωhite Paper no. 2033 for calculation formula. Guard Output Impedance : <0.1ω in=»» ohms=»» mode=»» —0=»» 1w—=»»> |
NOTES | |||||||||
1. Speed = Normal (1 PLC). For 0.1 PLC, add 0.005% of range to offset specifications, except 200mV, 1A, 10A ranges, add 0.05%. For 0.01 PLC, add 0.05% of range to offset specifications, except 200mV, 1A, 10A ranges, add 0.5%. 2. Accuracies apply to 2- or 4-Ωire mode Ωhen properly zeroed. 3. Manual ohms only – except 2420, 2425, 2430, 2440 for 2Ω range and 2400, 2401, or 2410 for 200MΩ range. 4. Source readback enabled, offset compensation ON. Also available on 2410, 2420, 2425, 2430, and 2440 Ωith similar accuracy enhancement. 5. In pulse mode, limited to 0.1 PLC measurement. 6. Except 2440; default test current is 5μA. 7. Except 2440; default test current is 0.5μA. |
System Speeds | |||||||||
Measurement 1 MAXIMUM RANGE CHANGE RATE: 75/second. MAXIMUM MEASURE AUTORANGE TIME: 40ms (fixed source).2 |
Sweep Operation3 Reading Rates (rdg./second) for 60Hz (50Hz): | |||||||||
Measure | Source-Measure | Source-Measure5 Pass/Fail Test4, 5 |
Source-Memory4 | ||||||
Speed | NPLC/Trigger Origin | To Mem. | To GPIB | To Mem. | To GPIB | To Mem. | To GPIB | To Mem. | To GPIB |
Fast | 0 . 01 / internal | 2081 (2030) | 1754 | 1551 (1515) | 1369 | 902 (900) | 981 | 165 (162) | 165 |
IEEE-488.1 Mode | 0 . 01 / external | 1239 (1200) | 1254 | 1018 (990) | 1035 | 830 (830) | 886 | 163 (160) | 163 |
Fast | 0 01 / internal | 2081 (2030) | 1198 (1210) | 1551 (1515) | 1000 (900) | 902 (900) | 809 (840) | 165 (162) | 164 (162) |
IEEE-488.2 Mode | 0 01 / external | 1239 (1200) | 1079 (1050) | 1018 (990) | 916 (835) | 830 (830) | 756 (780) | 163 (160) | 162 (160) |
Medium | 0 .10 / internal | 510 (433) | 509 (433) | 470 (405) | 470 (410) | 389 (343) | 388 (343) | 133 (126) | 132 (126) |
IEEE-488.2 Mode | 0 . 10 / external | 438 (380) | 438 (380) | 409 (360) | 409 (365) | 374 (3 3 3) | 374 (333) | 131 (125) | 131 (125) |
Normal | 1 . 00 / internal | 59 (49) | 59 (49) | 58 (48) | 58 (48) | 56 (47) | 56 (47) | 44 (38) | 44 (38) |
IEEE-488.2 Mode | 1 . 00 / external | 57 (48) | 57 (48) | 57 (48) | 57 (47) | 56 (47) | 56 (47) | 44 (38) | 44 (38) |
Single Reading Operation Reading Rates (rdg./second) for 60Hz (50Hz): | |||||||||
Speed | NPLC/Trigger Origin | Measure To GPIB |
Source-Measure5 To GPIB |
Source-Measure Pass/Fail Test4,5 To GPIB |
Fast (488.1) | 0 . 01 / internal | 537 | 140 | 135 | |||||
Fast (488.2) | 0 01 / internal | 256 (256) | 79 (83) | 79 (83) | |||||
Medium (488.2) | 0 . 10 / internal | 167 (166) | 72 (70) | 69 (70) | |||||
Normal (488.2) | 1 . 00 / internal | 49 (42) | 34 (31) | 35 (30) | |||||
Speed | NPLC/Trigger Origin | Measure To GPIB | Source Pass/Fail Test | Source-Measure Pass/Fail Test5, 7 To GPIB |
Fast | 0 . 01 / external | 1 . 04 ms (1 .08 ms) | 0 .5 ms (0 .5 ms) | 4 . 82 ms (5 . 3 ms) | |||||
Medium | 0 10 / external | 2 55 ms (2 9 ms) | 0 .5 ms (0 .5 ms) | 6 27 ms (7 1 ms) | |||||
Normal | 1 . 00 / external | 17.53 ms (20.9 ms) | 0 .5 ms (0 .5 ms) | 21 .31 ms (25 .0 ms) | |||||
NOTES | |||||||||
1 Reading rates applicable for voltage or current measurements. Auto zero off, autorange off, filter off, display off, trigger delay = 0, and binary reading format. 2 Purely resistive lead. 1μA and 10μA ranges <65ms. 3 1000 point sΩeep Ωas characterized Ωith the source on a fixed range. 4 Pass/Fail test performed using one high limit and one loΩ math limit. 5 Includes time to re-program source to a neΩ level before making measurement. 6 Time from falling edge of START OF TEST signal to falling edge of end of test signal. 7 Command processing time of :SOURce:VOLTage|CURRent:TRIGgered command not included. |